Friday, December 16, 2011

To My Superhero, To My Parker: Happy 4th Birthday!

December 18, 2007 was the day I met my superhero. He only weighed just a little over seven pounds, but his superpowers lived in his deep blue eyes and his tiny heart. No, his name isn't Superman, Spiderman, or's simply Parker Bryan Brothers. He can't fly, scale buildings, and he doesn't drive the Batmobile. But he can captivate anyone's heart he comes across. He can provide a laugh to anyone he meets. And he can charm his way in, and out, of anything.

This year has been a fun one for me. Seeing him grow and learn and explore life has been such a joy.

He has become quite interested in superheroes of any sort. For Halloween, he was Superman. His costume had built in muscles, and he was quick to tell everyone to look at his "big boobies". A few months ago, I got him a kitten. Our new family member was named happily by Parker and we love Clark Kent aka CK. His birthday (held on Saturday the 17th) will be superhero themed and all the children will be dressed up as superheroes as Parker will celebrate in his Superman costume. Batman himself will make a special, surprise appearance when he brings out Parker's birthday cake. I can't wait to see his little blue eyes glow with pure excitement as he meets one of his favorites.

Learning for Parker has been met with adequate success and he can recite numbers or the alphabet, shapes, and colors. But mastering my iPhone and its many apps has been his greatest conquer of all. Not too long ago, his teacher told me she couldn't find her phone or Parker and found him, with her phone, in the corner of the room playing Angry Birds. Last week at Riley's basketball game, he made a couple of game goers chuckle with his constant request for me to "buy him some apps". Recently, his daddy got him a Nintendo DS, and he has skillfully mastered this as well.

Parker's real passion in life is to entertain. He's adopted some pretty cool dance moves and will show anyone who is willing to watch. He also loves singing and loves belting out tunes such as Beyonce's "All the Single Ladies" and "Since You've Been Gone" by Kelly Clarkson (these choices are due to me and Riley's constant karaoke time on the Wii). These bursts of song performances have been well received by female shoppers as we whisk through Wal Mart. Most recently, he's been reciting LMFAO's lyrics "I Know I'm Sexy"...thanks AMA Awards. Of course, I told him that was not a song for kids and I haven't heard him sing it...too much. A natural comic, his facial expressions in everyday speech make it hard for anyone not to laugh. I can't tell you how many times he's made me laugh just talking in the car or snuggling on the couch at home. Even funnier is his pronunciation or misunderstanding of certain words or names. A few days ago, he cracked Riley and I up in the car when he asked if he could call "Pa Pa Stanley-O". Me and Riley chuckled and asked him again what he said and he said "YOUR DAD!!!". I told him that Pa Pa was in fact Stanley and he said "Really? OMG!!!" and hit his forehead with an "I'm a dork" expression. Then, I asked Riley "Did he just say OMG?" and she laughed and said "Ya. Weird."

Oh how I love my little superhero. His heart has such magical powers and I can't think of another boy who I'd like to spend my life with :). He's so gentle and loving. Kind and caring. Imaginative and creative. Curious and capable. Inquisitive and knowledgeable.

He can be rotten for sure...but his sweet moments certainly outnumber and outshine the not-so-sweet. Saying simple things like "Good morning, mommy", "I love you Mommy", "You are my best friend", and "I just want to cuddle with you" melt my heart and make me so grateful that God has given me such a wonderful, precious boy to love and to love me back. And let's not forget our morning ritual as I drop him off at school. He gets out of the car, stops and reaches for my hand. And so he holds it until we reach his room. Sometimes we say "best friends hold hands". He misinterpreted this once and I was told that he held hands with Chandler (a boy) at recess. I asked him why he did this and he said "because he is my best friend, mommy".

This kid can be unpredictable and recently at a Thanksgiving program (which he studied his lines and mastered weeks before) he blankly stared into the audience with a slightly disgruntled look. I caught the incident on camera and slowly but surely he inches his way off the platform and on to a riding toy that was sitting nearby. Parker, dressed as a pilgrim, simply said "the play was stupid" when I asked him why he didn't perform. Can't help but love the kid. See clip here:

Even with his unpredictable actions and rotten moments, one thing is consistent: his love for others. Yesterday was my birthday and Parker rubbed his eyes, smiled and said "Happy Birthday Mommy" before even rolling out of bed. Then, he sang a wonderful, creative version of "Happy Birthday" to me. That night, I found a vase of flowers and a handmade card from each kid. I loved my gifts. But my biggest gift is being a mother, and that is a gift that I receive every single day.

Happy Birthday Parker Bryan Brothers. I hope your fourth year of life gives you so many new, wonderful opportunities and I'll do my best to create lasting memories for you. You are my sunshine, my little superhero.

PS...I am SO excited about the party tomorrow...I mean, BATMAN is coming!!!
Love you the mostest,